Error - Trying To Set Up Testdrive App(From Yii Tutorial)

I’m a newbie trying to use Yii for some interesting projects.

Using Tutorial :

When I try to access htpp://localhost/testdrive/index.php?r=user I am getting following error:

Unable to resolve the request "user".

Troubleshooting attempted:

  • Checked permissions.

  • Checked main.php file , I have not touched the default except for enabling gii and mysql connection.

The error log states:

2012/12/19 16:18:19 [error] [exception.CHttpException.404] exception ‘CHttpException’ with message ‘Unable to resolve the request “user”.’ in /opt/csw/apache 2/share/htdocs/yii12/framework/web/CWebApplication.php:287

Stack trace:

#0 /opt/csw/apache2/share/htdocs/yii12/framework/web/CWebApplication.php(142): CWebApplication->runController(‘user’)

#1 /opt/csw/apache2/share/htdocs/yii12/framework/base/CApplication.php(162): CWebApplication->processRequest()

#2 /opt/csw/apache2/share/htdocs/testdrive/index.php(13): CApplication->run()

#3 {main}


Please help!? :slight_smile:

You did create the user model and CRUD ?

Yes I did . I followed all the steps in the tutorial up until the point where I have to access :


There was no error I encountered in earlier steps. There was a permissions issue that I had to fix (to allow nobody apache user have access to testdrive directory under WebRoot)

Just to be sure… .check that you have the UserController and that the permissions are right.

And where should I check that ?(pardon my ignorance) :slight_smile:

My bad, just did CRUD part again , and it worked. Thanks for the help.