[ERROR] Published assets was not found on this server.


i have this problem !!

some published assets can not found on this!! but its exist!?

if you look to this folder http://lidergroupsigorta.com/assets/4aeefc4e/fonts/

you will find the file fontawesome-webfont.eot

but when i try to enter it directly i got not found error


the css file is exist & can reach too…


what can i do?

where is the problem?!

the permission is right & the ownership too.

i use it with & without .htaccess

thanks for help

Delete your public ‘assets’ folder and check again.

i deleted it & nothing happened :)

i was using


i just removed it & i used the original awesome font files after i added it to the AppAssets & its work now!

but i didn’t understand what was the problem is!

is it bug in yii2 assets manager when it publishing the assets files!??

or something else!?