Error In Testing

Dear all,

I’ve been trying to do some testing with my application and I got this error:

PHPUnit 3.7.24 by Sebastian Bergmann.

Configuration read from /Library/WebServer/Documents/photogallery/protected/tests/phpunit.xml


Time: 1.19 seconds, Memory: 13.50Mb

There was 1 failure:

  1. PhotoTest::testInsert

Failed asserting that two arrays are equal.

— Expected

+++ Actual

@@ @@

 'sort_order' => 1
  • ‘id’ => ‘7’

  • ‘created_dt’ => null

  • ‘lastupdate_dt’ => null




Tests: 2, Assertions: 3, Failures: 1.

And this is the test that generates this error:

function setup()





        $_POST['Photo']['caption']="This is a photo caption" ;

        $_POST['Photo']['alt_text']="This is some alt text";




public function testInsert()


        $photo=new Photo;

        $photo->attributes = $_POST['Photo'];

        if ($photo->save()) 






Seeing those errors, what should I do?