Error in testdrive

I downloaded the Yii framework yii 1.1.8.r3324 zip file and installed it, requirements for which are PHP 5.1 and above.

I am using PHP 5.1.6 with

PHP API = 20041225

PHP Extension = 20050922

Zend Extension = 220051025

while running the yiic batch file for creating the testdrive, I get the following error

Unable to Initialize module

Module compiled with API=20050922,debug=0,thread safety=1

PHP compiled with API=20020429,debug=0.thread safety=1

Options need to match

The other error is :

Zend Optimizer for PHP 4.3.x cannot be found.

Anybody have any idea which build of yii framework i need to download to work with php 5.1.6 ?

Thank you

Anybody have any idea which build of yii framework i need to download to work with php 5.1.6 ?

If you can, get another version of PHP.

5.1 is buggy. Just forget about it.

Get at least 5.2

It really looks like you’ve got a screwed installation.

How did you install it?

Consider doing a reinstall.

Thanks, I got php 5.2 installed and it worked.

Actually i installed zend server CE(community edition) which has apache and php5.2

Is zend or zend optimizer required for yii ?I got the testdrive to work and viewed the login, contact pages etc.

But i have a problem connecting to oracle database.

My Oracle Database has charset AR8MSWIN1256.

PDO_OCI call to database is giving some issue.