error handler problem within modules using PHP 5.1

Hi, I’m using the following to configure custom error handlers for my modules:

class AdminModule extends CWebModule


	public function init()














This works fine on my development machine running PHP 5.2.11 but fails on my live server running PHP 5.1.6

No rendering occurs at all on my live server

I read that magic __toString() is not available pre PHP 5.2

Any suggestions about whats causing this problem?

Many thanks :)

Put this in your index.php for better debug:



Maybe you have a problem with case sensitive file system.

Tried that, no errors at all.

First thing… try without your custom error handler…

if then all is working… the problem is in your error handler… post it here for inspection ;)

I commented out the error handler code:

class AdminModule extends CWebModule


        public function init()



                //        'errorHandler'=>array(

                //                'errorAction'=>'admin/site/error',

                //       ),









And the error handler defined in config/main.php worked.

Strange thing…

I then commented the error handler code back in and it is now working :\

Thanks for your help :)