Hey Guys,
Thought this might be useful for some folks. I shut down work on my company Enactivity a couple of months ago, but didn’t want to have the code just disappear into the ether, so we open-sourced the code on github at https://github.com/Enactivity/Enactivity . I thought at the very least, it might help some new Yii folks see a larger Yii project at work.
Some of the interesting stuff going on in the system:
Facebook integration
Use of PJax to power to front end refresh (and the AJAX/CSRF workarounds to make that happen securely)
SASS/Bootstrap/Compass integration and a deploy script to push it out
JavaScript logging to the server (some what)
If you have any questions about any of the code, or why we did what we did, you can ask me here or at my twitter @ajsharma.
Hope it helps folks out there