Empty page (no response) after authenticate()

Hi there,

I have a strange problem and don’t know where or what for to look for.

When I run my Yii application on a new serwer I’m getting empty page right after user login (Firefox shows blank page, Chrome reports ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE).

I’ve found out that problem lies in the line:

$user = Users::model()->find( 'LOGN=?', array( $username ) );

of authenticate() function of class UserIdentity declared in UserIdentity.php in protected/components.

I’ve also found out that source of this problem is that there was application installed on a new server, but now database preparation was done.

My question is, why there is no exception in situation like that and how can I catch situation like that to display any message to user to inform him with anything except a blank, empty page?

Thanks and Cheers,

Its the config of your database connection

I had the same problem a couple days ago

EDIT: sorry, didnt read the post untill the end to answer

Yea, I agree … Its pretty weird and should thrown some exception

Trejder, did you solve this problem? I have same problem. When i try to log in, i see blank page, or in chrome ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE).

Hello, i’ve got that problem, too.

Does someone solved it already?

did anyone solve this issue ? i have the same problem with all the browsers.