ElasticSearch wildcard

Hello, I have an ElasticSearch search model that I’m using for a grid view. I’m also using filters. The filters are configured using “andFilterWhere” in the search model. They are working, but only on exact word matches. E.g. searching “chris” will find; chris, chris jones, chris smith, but not christopher. I’ve tried adding a wildcard character, but that is not working.

Is there a way to use existing Yii functionality to search with a wildcard?

Thanks in advance!

Well I came up with a quick and functional (probably dirty) method. This will run a prefix (E.g. mo will match mouse, moose. etc) filter for each attribute that is being searched. It will have better performance than a full wildcard search.

public function search($params)




         * Loop through each attribute and generate the needed arrays for populated fields


        $fields = [];

        foreach($this->attributes() as $attribute)




                $fields[] = ['prefix' => [$attribute => $this->$attribute]];





            $query = Person::find()->query([

                'bool' => [

                    'must' => $fields

                    //"wildcard" => [

                    //    "nameLast" => '*z*',







             * Query that will not match anything


            $query = Person::find();

            $query->andFilterWhere(['id' => 0]);


        $dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider([

            'query' => $query,


        return $dataProvider;
