[size="5"]After looking at the comments in the EJsonBehavior extension page and according to my needs, I added the following features to the extension:
It includes only relations specified by (with) in the model, which are loaded by Eager Method.
It gives you the choice to return an array instead of JSON encoded string that is useful in case of (findAll) query.
This is EJsonBehavior Class:
class EJsonBehavior extends CBehavior{
private $owner;
private $relations;
public function toJSON($encode = true){
$this->owner = $this->getOwner();
if (is_subclass_of($this->owner,'CActiveRecord')){
$attributes = $this->owner->getAttributes();
$this->relations= $this->getRelated();
foreach($this->relations as $key => $value)
$attributes[$key] = $value;
return CJSON::encode($attributes);
return $attributes;
return false;
private function getRelated()
$related = array();
$obj = null;
foreach($md->relations as $name=>$relation){
$obj = $this->owner->getRelated($name);
$related[$name] = $obj instanceof CActiveRecord ? $obj->getAttributes() : $obj;
return $related;
And this example shows you how to use it in (findAll) context:
$devices = Device::model()->with('position')->findAll();
$json = array();
foreach($devices as $device){
$json[] = $device->toJSON(false, false);
header('Content-type: application/json');
echo CJSON::encode($json);