Efancybox With Chtml::ajaxbutton

Does anyone know how to get EFancyBox working with CHtml::ajaxButton? I have tried the following (which works if I replace CHtml::ajaxButton with CHtml::link):


      $config = array(

        'showCloseButton' => true,

        'autoScale' => false,

        'overlayColor' => '#000000',

        'opacity' => true,

        'overlayOpacity' => 0.6,

        'padding' => 10,

        'scrolling' => 'no',

        'centerOnScroll' => 'yes',


      $this->widget('application.extensions.fancybox.EFancyBox', array(



        //echo CHtml::link('TESTING',array('site/map'),array('id'=>'testing'));

        echo CHtml::ajaxButton('TESTING', array('//site/map'), null, array('id' => 'testing'));


Using the ajaxButton, I get:

[indent][b][i]The requested content cannot be loaded.

Please try again later.[/i][/b][/indent]

Thanks in advance.