We are pleased to announce to the friends and supporters of RUDRA SOFTECH, the release of the EduSec4.0.0.
Initially EduSec4.0.0 is released as community version for all. EduSec4.0.0 is developed in Yii 2 which supports PHP 5.6.x, Apache 2.4 & MySql 5.5. We are thankful of AdminLTE for such a wonderful template for Yii2 applications. EduSec4.0.0 is 100% responsive web application for any devices.
Download community version from sourceforge.net : https://sourceforge…rojects/edusec/ & github: https://github.com/E...ab=repositories
Demo available on http://demo.edusec.org
User name: admin
Password: admin
We ask that you spread the word among your friends and family by sharing this.
Thanks to all of you.