Thank you. Enjoy EduSec
Thank you. Enjoy EduSec
Greetings of the day !!!
Rudra Softech is pleased to announced that we have released new version of EduSec 3.0.0 specially for single school, college and institute.
Following are the modules in Open source community version:
1) Manage Single Institute / School / College information
2) Master Configuration
3) Employee Information
4) Student Information
5) Course Management
6) User Management
7) Document Management
8 ) Reset users login credentials
9) Report center
10) Fees Management
11) Login History
Download community version from
For demo of community version visit
Admin user:
Password: admin
Note: Free EduSec iOS & Android apps will be released next month
Appreciate your feedback
What is the widget with menu on the left? It’s working nice and I would like to use it in my project if it is possible.
Are you going to migrate to Yii2?
Newbie for creating the application. Am using Your application as model. I tried to create an timetable module like yours for learning purpose. Now the issue is am just stuck with Assign the subject and staff while click the assign button. these table is stuck inside foreach so this is not properly display after assigning the staff and the subject. it displays like table will be displayed twice and thrice while assigning each period. Help me out..
Good Job !
We are pleased to announce to the friends and supporters of RUDRA SOFTECH, the release of the EduSec4.0.0.
Initially EduSec4.0.0 is released as community version for all. EduSec4.0.0 is developed in Yii 2 which supports PHP 5.6.x, Apache 2.4 & MySql 5.5. We are thankful of AdminLTE for such a wonderful template for Yii2 applications. EduSec4.0.0 is 100% responsive web application for any devices.
Download community version from : & github:
User: admin
Password: admin
We ask that you spread the word among your friends and family by sharing this. Thanks to all of you.
Thank you.
Good to know about 4.0 with Yii2. To migrate such a big ERP is huge task. I like new GUI,it is much better than older icon driven.I like how the charts are displayed, add option on same page and added successfully with ajax.Good efforts Team! Congratulations!!!
Good News
hi i bought the system i think the not updated version
i am just editing some pdf reports i just wanted to do the same format in the image that i attached
and i also wanted to have the fees that have a monthly and yearly payment
please respond this is an urgent project for me…
Thank you so much for your help guys!
i am updating the system for k12 Management System and it needs this to our school