Edit an Array (not a Model) in form

In a cotroller I have an array $fruits. When I dump it it looks like this:




    0 => array


        0 => 'banana'

        1 => 'cherry'

        2 => 'apple'


    1 => array


        0 => 'yellow'

        1 => 'red'

        2 => 'green'



I call my views with


  $this->render('fruits_view_1', array(

            'fruits' => $fruits


  $this->render('fruits_view_2', array(

            'fruits' => $fruits

View 1 for only displaying works fine:

 <?= CHtml::encode($table[0][1]) ?>

View 2 for editing does not work:


   $form = $this->beginWidget('CActiveForm', array('id' => 'fruits-form')); 


<?= $form->textArea($fruits, $fruits[0][1], array('rows' => 3, 'cols' => 20)); ?>

I get the error "Array to string conversion"

$fruits is not a model it’s an array.

What’s the problem? And an idea for a workaround?

The problem is that $fruits is not a model it’s an array. Use CHtml::textArea() instead.