EasyiiCMS - Yii2 simple CMS (plus)

Posted 10 February 2015 - 07:21 PM

Hello everyone. I would like to to introduce to you my Yii2 extension - EasyiiCMS.

It’s not quite CMS (there is no menu management, no control structure of the site, users), rather set of tools for rapid website development and for a simple content management.

That was posted by Noumo.


Building on Noumo post. I have continued to improve easyii extension.

I found an issue with API reposting:

	1)	$catalogItems = Catalog::items([


							'orderBy'=>new  \yii\db\Expression('rand()')



	2)      $catalogSponsorItems = Catalog::items([

							//show sponsers


							'orderBy'=>new  \yii\db\Expression('rand()')


if (1) is not empty. (2) will not fire.

To patch this I force in the module api Catalog. api_items

$this->_items = [];

For some strange reason even though it is a static called function it has persistent variables.