I have to disagree on your alternative way being easier to read: it looks like it take 3 times as many lines of code to do the same thing.
I think if you do these two things, the default way is just fine:
Use the tab character for indenting, and keep things properly indented at all times.
Use a good code editor so that when you put your text cursor (the blinking line, whatever you call it) next to a bracket, it highlights the corresponding bracket. This helps find errors in where your brackets/parentheses begin and end. Most of the high-end code editors support this.
return array(
'name'=>'Razmer Car Parts',
'loader' => array(
'class' => 'application.components.shared.Loader'
'mail' => array(
'class' => 'application.extensions.mail.Mail',
'levels'=>'error, warning, info, watch',
'schemaCachingDuration'=>YII_DEBUG ? 0 : 3600,
'About us'=>array('site/about'),
'Contact us'=>array('site/contact'),
'Privacy Policy'=>array('site/policy'),
'Terms & Conditions'=>array('site/terms'),