From http://www.yiiframework.com/doc/guide/1.1/en/database.arr#dynamic-relational-query-options
Starting from version 1.0.5, dynamic query options can also be used when using the lazy loading approach to perform relational query. To do so, we should call a method whose name is the same as the relation name and pass the dynamic query options as the method parameter. For example, the following code returns a user’s posts whose status is 1:
In my Post model I have already defined the condition ‘status=1’
public function scopes() {
return array(
So, How can I use (if it’s possible) my scope ‘active’ instead of array(‘condition’=>‘status=1’)
$posts=$user->posts(/* named scope here? */);
November 11, 2010, 1:56pm
Note that you cannot use parameterized scopes, only those defined in the scopes() method of your related model. See here for details:
November 11, 2010, 1:59pm
You have try this?
or this
Mike this work too, but is not eager loading approach?
I’d like to use the lazy loading approach as in the docs, but instead of
something like
to avoid repeating conditions that I had already defined in scopes()…
I had a look inside CActiveRecord and seems that it doesn’t support this kind of call (with non-parameterized named scopes)…would be soooo good to have!
November 11, 2010, 4:41pm
Ah, right, missed that you where talking about lazy loading. From looking at the source of CActiveRecord::__call() i’d also say it’s not possible but could maybe be implemented as a feature. getRelated() could therefore accept $params to also be a string and interprete this as name of a named scope.
With some luck such a feature request might get accepted.
Ah, right, missed that you where talking about lazy loading. From looking at the source of CActiveRecord::__call() i’d also say it’s not possible but could maybe be implemented as a feature. getRelated() could therefore accept $params to also be a string and interprete this as name of a named scope.
With some luck such a feature request might get accepted.
all right! hope to get lucky…