Dynamic Content + Music

Hi guys,

I’m designing webapp for coverband and I need your help. Need to update content via AJAX, oraz any other ideas to avoid music player stopping when called other site.

Here’s the menu:



			'menubarOptions' => array(




			array('label'=>'Home', 'url'=>array('/site/index')),

			array('label'=>'About', 'url'=>'javascript:;', 'items'=>array(

				array('label'=>'Vocals', 'url'=>array('site/page', 'view'=>'wokal')),

				array('label'=>'Guitar', 'url'=>array('site/page', 'view'=>'gitara')),


			array('label'=>'Gallery', 'url'=>array('/site/gallery')),

			array('label'=>'Menu5', 'url'=>array('/site/imprezy')),

                        array('label'=>'Kontakt', 'url'=>array('/site/contact')),



Anyway, I want music player to play band demo.mp3 while anyone explores other pages, and i thought about AJAX. Any ideas to help me?