Dropdownlist Ajax Cgridview Update

I have a dropdown with values that filter the gridview in the same view. When the user selects a value in the dropdown the gridview updates accordingly.

the dropdown:

	echo CHtml::dropDownList('program_id', '', $arr2,


			'ajax' => array(





				'success'=>'function(data) {

					$.fn.yiiGridView.update("sales-statement-grid", {data: $(this).serialize()});





the controller:

    public function actionUpdateAjax()


		$outlets = FS::model()->findAll(array(






		$arr = array();

		foreach($outlets as $value) {



        $data = array();

		if (IsSet($_POST['program_id'])) {

	        $data["program_id"] = (IsSet($_POST['program_id'])) ? $_POST['program_id'] : 0;

			$data["outlet"] = $arr[$_POST['program_id']];


	        $this->renderPartial('_ajaxContent', $data, false, true);



on the view I have a div as such:

<div id="outlet" class="well well-small">Current Outlet</div>

and the _ajaxContent.php file:


	 * set the session variable


	Yii::app()->session['cur_program_id'] = $program_id;


	 * update the label on the view


	echo "<h2>$outlet</h2>";

Now the question is: when I comment out the "success" line in the dropdownlist ajax array, the div tag contents get updated fine, but then the gridview does not update. And vice-versa, if the "success" line is not commented out, the gridview updates fine, but the div tag contents do not get updated…

try this

    echo CHtml::dropDownList('program_id', '', $arr2,


                        'ajax' => array(




                                'success'=>'function(response) {


                                        $.fn.yiiGridView.update("sales-statement-grid", {

data: $(this).serialize()






@mbala: thanks, that works fine! Much appreciated.