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Hi friends, my code is
<?php echo $form->labelEx($model,'type'); ?>
$records = jobtype::model()->findAll();
$list = CHtml::listData($records, 'type','type');
echo CHtml::dropDownList($model,'type', $list, array('empty' => '(Select a name)'));
<?php echo $form->error($model,'type'); ?>
the tables are like this
| id | type |
| 1 | design |
| 2 | writing |
TABLE->company (which refers to $model here)
| coid | type | co_name |
| 1 | design | Abc |
| 2 | writing | XYZ |
I want to show the data from the "jobtype" table into the dropdown field,And after selecting the option from this dropdown menu, it should store the selected value in the company table(type column). Is the code is correct? please suggest me friends.
I’AM GETTING THIS ERROR “Object of class Company could not be converted to string”