I was looking for a solution that the items of a bootstrap navbar will dropdown on mouse over.
And the items that opens a submenu should work onClick if the url is not ‘#’.
I have found a lot of discussion/snippets, but only a few worked for me.
The quintessence - maybe it’s useful for one of you:
* A script that modifies bootstrap navbar to dropdown on mouse over.
* And a parent of a submenu will be responsive to onClick if the assigned url is not '#'.
public static function registerDropDownOnHoverScript($slideDown=300,$slideUp=200,$position=CClientScript::POS_READY)
$script = <<<EOP
$('.navbar li.dropdown').hover(
function() { $(this).find('.dropdown-menu').first().stop(true, true).slideDown($slideDown); },
function() { $(this).find('.dropdown-menu').first().stop(true, true).slideUp($slideUp); }
$('.navbar li.dropdown > a').click(function(){ if(this.href) location.href = this.href; });
$('.navbar li.dropdown-submenu > a').click(function(){ if(this.href) location.href = this.href; });
$css = '.dropdown-menu{margin: 0 2px 0 0;}'; //correction of the bottom margin