Dropdown list

I have a dependent drop down list, I found some tutorials, and done it, but I have something witch i cant fix, I have 3 menu items, they are working and you can select normally, but if you not select anything in 1 you can see everything from DB for second and third. How to make dependence between them. Frist list is from table AUTORITY and second 2 from PRODUCTS

This is view code posted in _form.php

<?php $form = ActiveForm::begin(); 

        //drop down for autority 

  	echo $form->field($model, 'description')->dropDownList(


	[	'prompt'=>'Select Autority',


		$.post("/web/sslproducts/list/'.'"+$(this).val(), function(data) {

		$("select#products-id_autority").html( data );					

		});' ]	);    

	//drop down for certificates  

	echo $form->field($model, 'id_autority')->dropDownList(



		'prompt'=>'Select Certificate',


		$.post("/web/sslproducts/list1/'.'"+$(this).val(), function(data) {

		$("select#products-id").html( data );					


	]		);


	echo $form->field($model, 'id')->dropDownList(


		['prompt'=>'Select Price/Year',]     );



This is code for the controller part part of 2 functions for this:

	public function actionList($id)


		$countAutority = Products::find()

			->where(['id_autority' => $id,'id_currency' =>  Yii::$app->session->get('currency.id')])


		$autority = Products::find()

			->where(['id_autority' => $id,'id_currency' =>  Yii::$app->session->get('currency.id')])



		if($countAutority > 0 )


			foreach($autority as $certificate){

				echo "<option value='".$certificate->id."'>".$certificate->popis."</option>";	



			echo "<otion>-</option>";



	//Controler for passing data from certificate to price

	public function actionList1($id)


		$countPrice = Products::find()

			->where(['id' => $id,'id_currency' =>  Yii::$app->session->get('currency.id')])


		$customer = Products::find()

			->where(['id' => $id,'id_currency' =>  Yii::$app->session->get('currency.id')])



		if($countPrice > 0 )


		foreach($customer as $price){

				echo "<option value='".$price->id."'>1 year  (".$price->price_1. year) </option>",	

					 "<option value='".$price->id."'>2 years (".$price->price_2." /year) </option>",	

					 "<option value='".$price->id."'>3 years (".$price->price_3." /year) </option>";	





			echo "<otion>-</option>";



If someone can help me with condition plz.

You are initialising dropdowns #2 and #3 with a full list of all products. Why not initialise them empty?

How to do this? I am nob, can you give some example?

I have done it!!! Just delete option all from find

now it look like this :

echo $form->field($model, 'id_autority')->dropDownList(
