Drop Down List Value From Multi Source


i need to display a drop down list which get its value from 3 other drop down list.

echo CHtml::dropDownList('stclass', '', array(), 


    'prompt'=>'Select Class',

    'ajax' => array(

    'type'=>'POST', //request type

    'url'=>CController::createUrl('Assignment/getStudentByClass'), //url to call.




echo CHtml::dropDownList('sectionID', '', CHtml::listData(Usersectionsecurity::model()->findAll(), 'Section_Code', 'E_Section_Name'), array('empty'=>'Select Section'));

echo CHtml::dropDownList('majorID', '', CHtml::listData(Usersectionsecurity::model()->findAll(), 'Major_Code', 'E_Major_Desc'), array('empty'=>'Select Major'));


echo $form->dropDownList($model,'studentID', array(), array('empty'=>'Select Student'));

to display the student correctly, i have to select the class, the section and the major

i dont know how to write this code

can anyone help me

thank you