Does the Authentication Tutorial uses Session ?


I was curious if the authentication tutorial described in: http://www.yiiframew…ide/topics.auth is using CHttpSession ? Or use any session inside another class ?

I don't understand how to work on this Authentication. It's just confusing to me.

I usually this to check login:

  1. check username and password from database

  2. if valid, store the user_id in the session

But in YII, how ? Does it has other approach on Authentication ?

Thank You!

Did you check the blog demo?

Darn, it must have been my glasses.  ::)  ;D.


In the UserIdentity class, we also override the getId() method which returns the id value of the user found in the User table. The parent implementation would return the username, instead. Both the username and id properties will be stored in the user session and may be accessed via Yii::app()->user from anywhere in our code.

Thanks for referencing me back to this tutorial, I appreciated your time a lot.  :D.
