Documentation For Wizard-Behavior

It seems the site for the documentation for the wizard-behavior extension is down.

The link to documentation returns error.

The forum won’t allow me to post a direct link at this point.

Does anyone have the PDF file, or know where it can be found?


Thanks all


I also couldn’t find the pdf, but if you’ll upload demo - it’s quite descriptive on how to use WizardBehavior.

BTW, I just started to use it a month ago and so far happy with functionality it provides.

Yes the demo has helped. We installed it locally.

On a case-sensitive filesystem (ie Linux) there are some errors in the naming of classes in the registration demo. The workaround was to use symlinks. The quiz has some kind of error as well on the final step.

Had the same problem finding it myself, took forever. Until it’s creator’s site returns you can now find a copy on scribd. It seems to be for the current version of the extension, although not 100% on that, haven’t noticed any issues, and something is much better than nothing.

A search on scribd for "yii behavior wizard" will turn it up.

Hope this helps.