I’m getting a curious bug when i click on a CSort link.
As you see in the following image, CSort returns an entire page (DOCTYPE+<html><body></body></html>) :
But this breaks all the $(document).ready(function().
To reproduce: take a page that contains CSort (a Clistview page) and add the following code on it :
<?php Yii::app()->getClientScript()->registerScript('hello',
'$(document).ready(function() {
alert(\'Hello world\');
Then click the sort button.
The Hello world message will not shows again but why ?
However we just received a full HTML page !
I’m using Firefox 12 on ubuntu linux (12.04 latest) and the result is the same in Opera 11.64 and the latest Chrome
Is it a bug from the browser JS engines or from JQuery or from CSort ?