Do I Can Make The Homepage Of The Web Application?

in my web application, there are many different functional parts. such as news, articles, menu items, tags, etc. I know how to get them using the Yii/MVC separately in different places. I had a question, how do I bring all of these pieces of functionality on the main page.

I’ll be glad to hear best practices that you use with Yii.

example of a site with similar functionality where I need, there is on the front page news, forum, etc. example

I think I can create all the necessary methods for the home page in a separate controller. withdraw all through one method. I’d like to hear your advice.

thank you.

Portlets or widgets (class CPortlet extends class CWidget, so they are really the same thing).

Check out the blog tutorial, there are examples of how to create portlets.

read up on blog tutorial