Dizkover.com .. Discover Popular Stuffs Online...

Check out http://www.dizkover.com. This is my very first Yii web application. It’s been on beta launch for a month now as I’m still continuing to put more enhancements and testing it.

Technology used:


What is it?

A new social website to discover popular interesting stuffs online. Popular posted items are promoted to the top. The member only sees posts with topics (hashtags) he/she follows. It’s a fusion of some of the features you’ll find from popular social websites. (e.g. facebook profile, Twitter hashtags, old digg, reddit, stackoverflow q&a)

Feel free to signup and let me know what you guys think.

Planning to release as open source:

If there is enough interest from the community, I will make the software open source similar to free forum and cms licensing. This software can be used as a forum, dating, or just a typical social networking site.

Example Post:

Hi Cowboy,

The overall look and feel is like Facebooky with the blue top bar. But all in all… it’s clean and I like the idea. One thing I don’t see is how you find users.

Hello Cowboy, congratulations for your first Yii web application.

I have a question for you. Are you using something to prevent/detect in some way the post spam?

Thank you.

Yes. I moved away from captcha because that’s one reason why people do not register. As a website user, I hate captcha. I find it annoying specially when I’m unable to read the captcha texts.

I know that all spam cannot be prevented but I put some logic to fight at least bot spams.

One logic I had is a timer that checks how long the register/post/comment was completed. Then I have a parameter for each actions that determine if it’s a spam. For example, if the registration took less than 5 seconds… I consider it spam and the action does nothing.

There are other logic I implemented. If you google captcha alternative, you’ll find some suggestions such as the honeypot.

Thanks. The overall look and feel is still going through changes. About finding users, I still have not implemented it. I’m still working on other features in front of my todo list.

I see some design change since the first time I signed in. I like the new layout. This is me btw, http://www.dizkover.com/user/ram66

If you are making this open source i’d like to contribute. I see pretty good potential to be an alternative to forum softwares.

I will let everyone now when it becomes open source. By the way… thanks for checking the site out.

Nice Work.


Very keen to join in and contribute.

Your thoughts on open source release date?

So far I’ve just been busy implementing more core functionality and code cleanup. I’ve made some major change on the live site already.

I will plan on making installation scripts soon and hopefully an open source release. I will keep you posted.

Months passed since the website launched. One functionality I’ve spent time on is to make it easy for content publishers to share/post contents.

If you have a blog, you can simply paste your blog’s URL on an input field and the system will parse the title and display list of images from your URL to attach to the post.

Also the site automatically grabs thumbnails and embed codes from links from following popular social media links; Youtube, Vimeo, Facebook video url. This is similar to how Facebook/Google+ handles posted links.


Another few months passed. I’ve been making a lot of improvement to the site everyday. The website traffic exploded in the last 3 months. The traffic grew from an abysmal 300 daily visitors… to 3,000 daily visitors! That’s 1,000 percent. This progress keeps me motivated on improving the website.

And Yii Framework helps me a lot in adding nifty features very quickly! It just took me 2 days to add this website feature where users can find snapchat users and it was a hit to some members!

It’s at Dizkover.com/Snapchat/usernames . It’s like the Pinterest of Snapchat users with pictures.