Displaying A List Of Property Details With Css Styling

I am developing a property website and I need to display property details inside a page . each property have several variables as well as an image. I need to show each property inside a box which has CSS styling. All the properties have the same template/styling.

I am not asking for exact code ,it would be great if someone can guide me in the right direction.

If I understood well you want to styling the text or other tag

check this



Can I generate something like below with yii? <li> node (just after top <ul> ) represent a property .

if not can I place <li> node (just after top <ul> ) on another php page and echo when I want them to appear with vales form the database?




                        <a><img src="" /></a>        













                        <a><img src="" /></a>        













Please give us a small example (with html code) that you want to achieve (before and after of the action)

Thanks , above HTML is what I want to achieve.

Can I use CListView? I need some <div> components inside the top <UL>, and a <UL> inside the top <UL>.