Display, Update And Save Checkbox List Items From Relations

I have controller where I can create users and add them roles(users, admins, superusers, whatever I want). Role names are saved in a database table called UserRoles(id,name). And then I have another table with connects roles with users- UserRoleAccess(id,user_id,role_id). So I can have multiple roles for one user. I want to add them to create and update section and I have never done that before. I dont know how to do it. This is what I have:


public function actionCreate()


    $user=new User('passwordset');

    $person=new Person;

    $access=new UserRoles;

    // Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is


    // $this->performAjaxValidation($user);

    if(isset($_POST['User'], $_POST['Person'], $_POST['UserRoles']))



















public function actionUpdate($id)



	// Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed

	// $this->performAjaxValidation($model);




        if ($model->password || $model->password_repeat)

            $model->scenario = 'passwordset';


        if($model->save()) {













<div class="row">

    <?php echo $form->labelEx($access,'name'); ?>

    <?php echo $form->checkBoxList($access,'name',UserRoleAccess::model()->getAllRoles(),UserRoleAccess::model()->getSelectedRoles());?>

    <?php echo $form->error($access,'name'); ?>



UserRoleAccess model:


public function getAllRoles()


    $model = UserRoles::model()->findAll();

    return CHtml::listData($model,'id','name');


public function getSelectedRoles($id=null)





        foreach($model as $mod)



    return $selected;



I dont know how I can save it nicely and how to make them checked when editing.

You can check out this wiki: Dynamic Parent and Child Gridviews

So in the Parent-gridview will be the users. In the Child-gridview will be the junction table records - UserRoleAccess - which displays the user’s roles.

You could have a dropdown beneath the Child-gridview where you could select more roles for the user - and then update the Child-gridview via ajax after the new record was created in UserRoleAccess.