Disable Output Buffering

Yii can disable output buffering (ob_flush())?

Why do you wish to disable it?

Why i would like use jquery preloader for page. One page is 2s to load.

You can do that - I do something similar to capture the output from a migration command:

	private function runMigrationTool() {

    	$commandPath = Yii::getPathOfAlias('ext');

    	$runner = new CConsoleCommandRunner();


    	$commandPath = Yii::getFrameworkPath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cli' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'commands';


    	$args = array('yiic', 'einstallmigrate', '--interactive=0');



    	return htmlentities(ob_get_clean(), null, Yii::app()->charset);


How to help me this? :rolleyes: