How can I disable Yii caching for JS and CSS files while i’m developing?
How can I disable Yii caching for JS and CSS files while i’m developing?
It’s not actually caching it, but publishing it.
I don’t know how you would ‘turn that off’…
I just keep the asset directory open and clean it out after each request when needed while I’m working on scripts or styles.
I´m also interested in a solution for this. It´s very annoying to always delete the contents of the assets dir.
CAssetManager.linkAssets (PHP 5.3 required):
// config
'components' => array(
'assetManager' => array(
'linkAssets' => true,
You may also check the signature of CAssetManager::publish(). $forceCopy = true will copy the asset files every request.
Thank you