Disable ActiveForm validation when using Pjax

I’m making a form with has Pjax inside ActiveForm so user can quick filter and select recent user, it seems like everytime I use pjax it also submit the form and active clientValidation


use kartik\grid\GridView;

use kartik\grid\RadioColumn;

use yii\bootstrap\ActiveForm;

$form = ActiveForm::begin([

    'id'      => 'customer-search-form',

    'method'  => 'post',





    'dataProvider' => $controller->DPRecentProjects,

    'pjax' => true,

    'filterModel'=> $controller->SMProject,

    'export' => false,

    //'itemView' => '//site/_customer_list_item',

    'id'           => 'recent-projects',

    'tableOptions' => ['class' => 'table'],

    'layout'       => "{items}\n{summary}",

    'columns'      => [


            'class' => RadioColumn::className(),

            'name' => 'NewProjectForm[from_recent]',






<?= $form->field($NewProjectForm, 'Project_title') ?>

<?php ActiveForm::end(); ?>

The Pjax filter worked but it needed to reload the page, I tried something like this in controller but it doesn’t work

if (!Yii::$app->request->isPjax && $this->NewProjectForm->load($post) && $this->NewProjectForm->validate())


    // create project
