Dinamic Model


class dimamic()


   public $namemodel ; //Name the model  (User , Office , Category , Seccion....)

   function find($findString){

return $this->namemodel::model()->find($findString); // i have problem with the :: static ?




Yii have any method , that i can call/get model ?

I am not pretty sure what you want to accomplish but I think you’ll have to write it this way:


class DynamicModel


   public $name ; //Name of the model  (User , Office , Category , Seccion....)

   public function find($findString)



       return $class::model()->find($findString);




here’s part of my MgActiveRecord which introduces some general routines:



 * Base class for ActiveRecord models

 * @author Michal migajek Gajek

 * @copyright 2011 Michal Gajek

 * @package mg.core


abstract class MgActiveRecord extends CActiveRecord 



	 * create CActiveDataProvider for currently applied scopes (criteria)

	 * @return CActiveDataProvider


	public function findScopedAll($pageSize = 20)


		return new CActiveDataProvider(get_class($this), array(

			    'criteria'=> $this->getDbCriteria(),

			    'pagination'=> array(

			        	'pageSize'=> $pageSize,

			        	'pageVar' => 'page' 







basically, I use get_class($this) instead of defining model name.

thus, each model should extend above class.

Is bad way ? Sorry i don´t know english very well … (i am spain)

Thx and Sorry.