Difficulty Retrieving Encrypted Attributes From Db Into Model


I have a table where I am storing driver license details. In the database, the field is encrypted using MySQL AES_ENCRYPT. However, I am having a difficulty in getting the un-encrypted values using models.

The approach I have tried follows:

class User extends CActiveRecord


public static function model($className=__CLASS__) {...}

public function tableName() {...}

public function rules() {...}

public function relations() {...}

public function attributeLabels() {...}

public function search() {...}

   protected function afterFind()


        list($this->birth_year, $this->birth_month, $this->birth_day) = explode('-', $this->birthday);

        $this->origPassword = $this->password;

        $this->origDriversLicence = $this->user_drivers_license;

        $this->origDriversLicenseState = $this->user_drivers_license_state;



    public function beforeSave()


        if (!parent::beforeSave()) return false;

        $this->password = $this->password == $this->origPassword ?

            $this->password : generate_new_hash($this->password);

        $this->user_drivers_license = $this->user_drivers_license == $this->origDriversLicence ?

            $this->user_drivers_license : new CDbExpression("AES_ENCRYPT('$this->user_drivers_license','" . self::getEncryptionKey() . "')");

        $this->user_drivers_license_state = $this->user_drivers_license_state == $this->origDriversLicenseState ?

            $this->user_drivers_license_state : new CDbExpression("AES_ENCRYPT('$this->user_drivers_license_state','" . self::getEncryptionKey() . "')");

        return true;


    public function defaultScope()


        return array(



                "AES_DECRYPT('$this->user_drivers_license','" . self::getEncryptionKey() . "')" => 'user_drivers_license',

                "AES_DECRYPT('$this->user_drivers_license_state','" . self::getEncryptionKey() . "')" => 'user_drivers_license_state'





For some reason, the AES_DECRYPT part doesnt seem to get appended to the query and I end up with the encrypted version of the license. Any pointers in this direction would be greatly appreciated.

I have also tried this variation with little success:

    public function defaultScope()


        return array(


                "*,AES_DECRYPT('$this->user_drivers_license','" . self::getEncryptionKey() . "') AS user_drivers_license, AES_ENCRYPT('$this->user_drivers_license_state','" . self::getEncryptionKey() . "') AS user_drivers_license_state"




It just throws an error saying “AES_DECRYPT(’$this->user_drivers_license’,” is not a valid column.

Looks like your always encrypting.

You’ll need to decrypt, http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/encryption-functions.html#function_aes-decrypt

Alex, My Bad, that was a typo. have corrected. but doesnt help.

Here are several samples that I hope will help you find a solution.

I wrote a simple behavior to handle my encryption methods.

class MySQLEncryption extends CActiveRecordBehavior


    public function encrypt($data)


        return new CDbExpression('AES_ENCRYPT("' . $this->getsalt() . $data . '","' . Yii::app()->user->encryptionKey . '")');


    public function decrypt($column)


        return "SUBSTR(CONVERT(AES_DECRYPT($column,'" . Yii::app()->user->encryptionKey . "') USING utf8),9)";


    public function selectAs($column)


        return $this->decrypt($column) . ' AS ' . $column;



     * Generate a random 8 character string to salt all of the encrypted

     * values.


    protected function getSalt()


        return substr(md5(mt_rand(0,1000000) . mt_rand(0,1000000) . mt_rand(0,1000000)),0,<img src='http://www.yiiframework.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/cool.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='8)' />;



In my model that uses encryption I attach the behavior and have the following methods that are part of it

public function beforeSave()


    // Column Encryption





public function encryptColumns()


    // Your first encrypted column



        $this->encryptedColumnA = $this->encrypt($this->encryptedColumnA);




        $this->encryptedColumnA = null;


    // Your second encrypted column



        $this->encryptedColumnB = $this->encrypt($this->encryptedColumnB);




        $this->encryptedColumnB = null;




public function baseCriteria()


    $criteria = new CDbCriteria;

    $select = array();

    $encryptionKey = Yii::app()->user->encryptionKey;

    // encryptedColumnA

    $select[] = $this->selectAs('encryptedColumnA');

    // encryptedColumnB

    $select[] = $this->selectAs('encryptedColumnB');

    $criteria->select = $select;

    return $criteria;


I wrote a simple method to fetch a single record.

public function getRecord($yourPrimaryKey)


    $criteria = $this->baseCriteria();

    $criteria->compare('yourPrimaryKey', $yourPrimaryKey, false);

    $criteria->limit = 1;


    return $this::model()->find($criteria);


Lastly here’s a sample search method to search and/or sort by one of your encrypted columns

public function search()


    $criteria = $this->baseCriteria();



    $sort = new CSort();

    $sort->attributes = array();

    $sort->attributes['encryptedCOlumnA'] = array('asc'=>$this->decrypt('encryptedCOlumnA'), 'desc'=>$this->decrypt('encryptedCOlumnA') . ' DESC');

    $sort->attributes['encryptedCOlumnB'] = array('asc'=>$this->decrypt('encryptedCOlumnB'), 'desc'=>$this->decrypt('encryptedCOlumnB') . ' DESC');

    return new CActiveDataProvider($this, array(



