Diferences between ActiveDataProvider and SqlDataProvider

Hi again im still learning, i want to show in a GridView a relation with hasMany, in my cuentas model i have

    public function getContactos()


        return $this->hasMany(Contactos::className(), ['cuenta_id' => 'idcuenta']);


Now, if i use this function on CuentasSearch only show on the View as many rows as Cuentas i have

    public function search($params)


        $dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider([

            'query' =>Cuentas::find()->joinWith('contactos')


        return $dataProvider;


But if i use pure SQL on CuentasSearch, it show as many rows as Contactos i have

    public function search($params)


        $dp = new SqlDataProvider([

            'sql' => 'SELECT idcuenta, nombrecuenta from cuentas left join contactos

            on cuentas.idcuenta = contactos.cuenta_id ',


        return $dp;


What happend if it is the same query and i want to show on the GridView all rows as Contactos i have, what is wrong, i can’t use last one because i want use filters.

Best Regards

Well as i see, Yii2 filter duplicate primary keys caused by Join when we use ActiveDataProvider

To use filters with SqlDataProvider should read this
