Developing under VISTA and deploying to Linux

Hi guys,

I am developing my app under XAMP in Windows Vista, but I will be deploying it to a Linux Based V-Server. Will I be experimenting problems?

Anything I need to take care of?

Thanks for your support


I am using xampp on vista and xp passing files from one to another with a usb memory (home and work) and tried uploading the result on a linux host without problems.

Just check with the requirements.php file if the Linux system meets all requirements you need

I develop in Vista and deploy yo linix as well. I use PHPed which has remote debugging and is very usefyl. however I am evaluating Aptana as a new dev platform. I haven't had any issues.


I am developing my app under XAMP in Windows Vista, but I will be deploying it to a Linux Based V-Server.

As usual when deploying from Windows to Linux - be carefull with uppercase/lowercase directory and file names and write permissions on data, runtime and assets directories…


As usual when deploying from Windows to Linux - be carefull with uppercase/lowercase directory and file names and write permissions on data, runtime and assets directories...

A +1 to this one too. I've found out that when the protected/runtime dir does not exist, the application simply does not run, showing a blank page, no matter which action you call. After you create the directory and grant the appropriate permissions, all is fine. As Sentinel notes, be careful of lower/upper-case filenames.