dependent dropdownlist

/Hi I’ve created dependent dropdowlist with two tables with relations. I’ve this code in my view clienti (in the table there is forekey id_regione, id_comune)/

$form = ActiveForm::begin([

'method' => 'get',


$items = ArrayHelper::map(Regioni::find()->all(), 'id_regione', 'nome');

echo $form->field($searchModel, 'id_regione_clienti')->dropDownList($items,


'prompt'=>'sceglie regione',


$.post( "index.php?r=clienti/lists&id='.'"+$(this).val(), function( data ) {

$("select#clientisearch-id_regione_clienti").html( data);



$items2 = ArrayHelper::map(Comuni::find()->all(), 'id_comune', 'nome');

echo $form->field($searchModel, 'id_comune_clienti')->dropDownList($items2);

echo Html::submitButton('Find', ['class' => 'btn btn-primary']);


in the controller clienti I've at action for dropdownlists

public function actionLists($id)


$countComuni = Comuni::find()



$comuni = Clienti::find()



if ($countComuni >0) {

foreach ($comuni as $comune) {

echo "<option value='".$comune->id_comune."'>".$comune->nome."</option>";




run my application and inspect by browser chrome have this error and dropdownlist not functions

POST http://localhost/sites/basic/web/index.php?r=clienti/lists&id=1 500 (Internal Server Error)

send @ jquery.js:9175

ajax @ jquery.js:8656

jQuery.(anonymous function) @ jquery.js:8807

onchange @ index.php?r=clienti%2Fsearch:63

Hi ,

Have u checked if the $countComuni count is 0?

function actionLists($id) {

    $countComuni = Comuni::find()

            ->where(['id_regione' => $id])


    $comuni = Clienti::find()

            ->where(['id_regione' => $id])


    if ($countComuni > 0) {

        foreach ($comuni as $comune) {

            echo "<option value='" . $comune->id_comune . "'>" . $comune->nome . "</option>";



        echo "<option value=''>-- No regione --</option>";




Or could you share your ajax response here?