Dependent Dropdown List Box

Hi All,

I know they are many post on this query. But, still i am unable to do so posting this.

I want to create a dependent dropdown list box.

I have City table as well as Location table. These are two dropdown list box in my User creation form.

As city is selected , location should get filtered. I have tried following thing

_form.php i have this


/* @var $this UserController */

/* @var $model User */

/* @var $form CActiveForm */




		$city_model = City::model()->findAll(array('order' => 'CITY_NAME')); 

                $list = CHtml::listData($city_model, 'CITY_ID', 'CITY_NAME');    

                echo $form->dropDownList($model, 'RCity_ID', $list);       



			'prompt'=>'Select City',

			'ajax' => array(









		echo CHtml::dropDownList('RLocation_ID','', array(), array('prompt'=>'Select Location'));


In User Controller i have this

public function actionLoadlocation()



				array(':RCity_ID'=>(int) $_POST['RCity_ID']));




		echo "<option value=''>Select City</option>";

		foreach($data as $value=>$location_name)

		echo CHtml::tag('option', array('value'=>$value),CHtml::encode($location_name),true);



my dbtable structure is as follows

Table Name: city

columns: 1)CITY_ID 2)CITY_NAME

Table :location

column: 1)Location_ID 2)Location_Name 3)City_ID

Thanks in advance

In the first part, I noticed the options aren’t include in the dropDownList.

Supposed to be:


                $city_model = City::model()->findAll(array('order' => 'CITY_NAME')); 

                $list = CHtml::listData($city_model, 'CITY_ID', 'CITY_NAME');    

                echo $form->dropDownList($model, 'RCity_ID', $list, array(

                           'prompt'=>'Select City',

                           'ajax' => array(









Thanks a lot Compact_corpse…

It finally worked… :)