Delete Records Corresponding To Multiple Ids.


Consder the tables below.


QID title description

100 History History

101 Maths Maths

102 Hindi Hindi


SectionID QID SectionName

1 100 IndianHistory

2 100 WorldHistory

3 100 StateHistory

4 101 Statistics

5 101 Probability

6 102 General

7 102 Descriptive


QOptID OptionName SectionID

1 Opt1 1

2 Opt2 1

3 Opt3 5

4 Opt4 5

5 Opt5 5

6 Opt6 4

7 Opt 7 6

The aim is to delete records corresponding to Maths(QID=101). Therefore records "4,5" from tbl_QuestionSection

and records "3,4,5,6" from tbl_QuestOptions should also delete.

Inorder to delete from tbl_Question and tbl_QuestionSection we can use



From tbl_QuestOptions, we need query delete from tbl_QuestOptions where SectionID IN (4,5).

How can we delete with using Yii?