I am running a MySQL DELETE command with Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->execute(), but the query I expect it to run seems to only partially complete. I get no error messages or warnings in the logs.
Here is the simplified code from my Container model:
$itemIds = array('10','11','12','13');
$command = Yii::app()->db->createCommand(
'DELETE FROM container_items WHERE container_id=:container_id AND item_id IN (:item_ids)'
':item_ids' => implode(",", $itemIds),
':container_id' => $this->id,
After this code is executed, the row with the model’s container_id and item_id of ‘10’ will be deleted, but the other rows (‘11’,‘12’,‘13’) will be left untouched.
I assume the generated SQL is incorrect, but I can’t figure out how to view it. If I enable profiling, I see this:
system.db.CDbCommand.execute(DELETE FROM container_items WHERE container_id=:container_id AND item_id IN (:item_ids))
I’m not sure how FIND_IN_SET gains me anything. Seems like if the query isn’t getting constructed correctly with IN, it won’t get constructed correctly with FIND_IN_SET either.
deleteAllByAttributes is interesting, but I don’t want to delete my items, just their relationship with the container.
After some more detailed digging, it looks like PDO may not like a parameter that contains commas. I may need to dynamically add placeholders for each item in the "IN ()" area and pass the array of items with the container_id pushed into the first position. So, something like:
$itemIds = array('10','11','12','13');
$place_holders = implode(',', array_fill(0, count($itemIds), '?'));
$command = Yii::app()->db->createCommand(
"DELETE FROM container_items WHERE container_id=? AND item_id IN ($place_holders)"
One of the weekenesses of parameter binding in strings ( not using the AR ) is that you can not to key in ( :param ) because it’ll come out key in ( ‘1,2,3,4,5’ ) … notice the inappropriate placing of the quotes?
To fix it you either need to do an inline key in (" . implode ( … ) . ")
or you need to refactor your usage as they’ve described above.