define relation with condition


i have problem to define my relation in model class. i’m using three db tables.

group, post, group_post (cross reference table).

this is definition of relations in group model

public function relations()


    return array(

        'posts' => array(self::MANY_MANY, 'Post', 'group_post(group_id, post_id)',

            'order' => 'posts_posts.post_order'),



i’m trying to create another releation to select only active/approved posts and this is not working.

public function relations()


    return array(

            'active_posts' => array(self::HAS_MANY, 'Post', 'group_post(group_id, post_id)',

                'order' => 'active_posts_active_posts.post_order',

                'condition' => 'active_posts.post_status = :post_status',

                'params' => array(':post_status' => 'active')




i still got this error Unknown column ‘active_posts.group_post(group_id’ in ‘where clause’ .please can you help me define this relation.


See - Is correct??

'order' => 'active_posts_active_posts.post_order',


'order' => 'active_posts.post_order',

in your config/main.php uncomment the following section

// uncomment the following to show log messages on web pages




it will give you the sql query dump at the bottom, you should be able to see what is the table alias for that table

post_order is defined in group_post cross reference table.

this is sql dump


	`active_posts`.`post_id` AS `t1_c0`,

	`active_posts`.`post_name` AS `t1_c1`,

	`active_posts`.`post_slug` AS `t1_c2`,

	`active_posts`.`post_text` AS `t1_c3`,

	`active_posts`.`post_status` AS `t1_c4`,

	`active_posts`.`post_publish_date` AS `t1_c5`,


	`post` `active_posts`

WHERE (active_posts.post_status = :post_status)

AND (active_posts.post_status = :post_status)

AND (`active_posts`.`group_post(group_id`=:ypl0)

AND (`active_posts`.`post_id)`=:ypl1) 

ORDER BY active_articles_active_articles.article_order

oh okay I see you need to add join there or add “with” clause in your criteria to include your second table right now it’s running that query against one table “active_posts”

I think the relation type is not correct (HAS_MANY -> MANY_MANY).

public function relations()


    return array(

            'active_posts' => array(self::MANY_MANY, 'Post', 'group_post(group_id, post_id)',

                'order' => 'active_posts_active_posts.post_order',

                'condition' => 'active_posts.post_status = :post_status',

                'params' => array(':post_status' => 'active')




thanks argent. it’s working now.