defaultScope() and SQL escaping

Just wondering… is there a way to escape parameters in a defaultScope() model call??



	* apply business context rule to fetch data calls on this model (also works on update, view, delete controller actions)

	* e.g. only display model data from the users business


	public function defaultScope()


		if( !Yii::app()->user->checkAccess('admin') ) {


			return array(

			        'join' => "LEFT JOIN customers ON = id",

			        'condition' => 'customers.business_id = '.parent::getBusinessContext()





			return parent::defaultScope();


i would like to know for security reasons. thanks.! go Yii!


        * apply business context rule to fetch data calls on this model (also works on update, view, delete controller actions)

        * e.g. only display model data from the users business


        public function defaultScope()


                if( !Yii::app()->user->checkAccess('admin') ) {


                        return array(

                                'join' => "LEFT JOIN customers ON = :id",

                                'condition' => 'customers.business_id = :businessContext',

                                // not 100% sure but I think this would work

                                'params' => array(

                                        ':id' => $id,

                                     	':businessContext' => parent::getBusinessContext()






                        return parent::defaultScope();


also just a tip but you should have a look at this: http://www.yiiframew…iguous-columns/

table aliases can be a bit of a handful later when you want to call on a model in with() and it have a defaultScope.