Default View Url Implement

Hi everyone. I want to suggest something.

should we implement something like this to default framework?

This would be AR’s default view link

//generates url to unit by unit_id or slug

	public function url($array=array())



		return Yii::app()->controller->createUrl('//unit/'.$this->slug,$array);


		return Yii::app()->controller->createUrl('//unit/unit/view',array('id'=>$this->unit_id,$array));


//generates url array

	public function urlParams($action,$array=array())



		return array($action, 'id'=>$this->slug,$array);


		return array($action, 'id'=>$this->unit_id,$array);


In this case we can modify any view without write more.

Just $model->url() or $model->url($options) something like this. And many other default widgets if support this, it would be extremely useful I think.