Built with Yii-bootstrap and Yii v1.1.13, just under 2 weeks of out-of-hours work - Online Debating Community

Full Admin Back-end manages pages, topics, users, ranks, reports.

Front end has seperate user profiles and topic management

Users have a ranking system defined in the back-end.

Register, activation, forgot password, T&Cs - all that good stuff.

Hope you like it :D

Elegant web. I like the clean minimalistic look.

A couple of things I noticed:

  • On a large screen, pages like "About us" and " Privacy policy" can be a little hard to read because the lines are too long

  • On the registration page, it would be nice if the "Terms & Conditions" was a popup dialog instead of a separate page that opens in another tab. This should be easy to achieve since you are using bootstrap.


Thanks for your input mate, have made the changes you’ve suggested, hopefully it’ll make it easier to read :D

Hi mrtain, well done!

Btw… i just noticed an error (usort() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given) when you try to access a topic that doesn’t exists. I think you should change the error notice or check your code to see what is happen!

How to reproduce the error:

Thanks for your input!

I can confirm this bug has now been fixed and they user is presented with a nice 404 error :)

According to me,for login user,register page should not be shown. :blink:

Other way ,good site,you have given like option,give comment option,on others post,than it will become true debate.

Thanks for the feedback,

I have the code in place for a comment option, wanted to do it in staged releases and feature requests to get people using the website and posting topics under ‘Deb8it Features’ - a little ploy!

I will remove the register page when logged in as suggested

Thanks again!

It is my pleasure!