dB->createcommand using greater than

I’m not sure what is wrong here. When I execute the following query from MySQL CLI, I get this:

mysql> SELECT DATE_FORMAT( request_date, '%Y/%m' ) AS DateCreated,

	-> COUNT(*) AS "Total Requests Created"

	-> FROM requests

	-> WHERE request_date >= '2015-01-01' AND request_date <= '2015-11-17'

	-> GROUP BY DateCreated

	-> ORDER BY DateCreated ASC;


| DateCreated | Total Requests Created |


| 2015/01 	|                	136 |

| 2015/02 	|                	207 |

| 2015/03 	|                	151 |

| 2015/04 	|                	172 |

| 2015/05 	|                	122 |

| 2015/06 	|                	157 |

| 2015/07 	|                	109 |

| 2015/08 	|                	123 |

| 2015/09 	|                	112 |

| 2015/10 	|     				97 |

| 2015/11 	|     				77 |


11 rows in set (0.07 sec)

But when I use this same query in a


$result = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()

 ->select('DATE_FORMAT(request_date,"%Y/%m") AS DateCreated, COUNT(*) AS "Total Requests Created"')


 ->where('request_date >= :dBegin AND request_date <= :dEnd', array(':dBegin' => $_POST['date_from'], ':dEnd'=>$_POST['date_to'] ) )


 ->order('DateCreated ASC')



I get this when I do a var_dump()



	[date_from] => 2015-01-01

	[date_to] => 2015-11-17

	[yt0] => Submit


array(2) {


  array(3) {


	string(7) "2015/02"

	["Total Requests Created"]=>

	string(1) "1"



  array(3) {


	string(7) "2015/04"

	["Total Requests Created"]=>

	string(1) "4"



Any ideas?



No, the limit doesn’t have any effect on it.

I am wondering if you can use " >= " within the createCommand

You can see complete SQL query using Debug Toolbar.

I’m a moron!!!

I have two databases.



I was executing the CLI query on db (production site)

I was executing the Yii code in my db-test (on my development site)