Db Could Not Find Driver

Hy everyOne!

I have a scary mistake…

I moved the newly created application to new server, and I got this error from CDbConnection "could not find driver".

I’have already checked this php_pdo_mysl, and it run. (I checked with Yii requirements, and it says:

Name Result Required By Memo

PHP version Passed Yii Framework PHP 5.1.0 or higher is required.

$_SERVER variable Passed Yii Framework

Reflection extension Passed Yii Framework

PCRE extension Passed Yii Framework

SPL extension Passed Yii Framework

DOM extension Passed CHtmlPurifier, CWsdlGenerator

PDO extension Passed All DB-related classes

PDO SQLite extension Warning All DB-related classes This is required if you are using SQLite database.

PDO MySQL extension Passed All DB-related classes This is required if you are using MySQL database.

PDO PostgreSQL extension Warning All DB-related classes This is required if you are using PostgreSQL database.

Memcache extension Passed CMemCache

APC extension Warning CApcCache

Mcrypt extension Passed CSecurityManager This is required by encrypt and decrypt methods.

SOAP extension Passed CWebService, CWebServiceAction

GD extension with

FreeType support Passed CCaptchaAction

Ctype extension Passed CDateFormatter, CDateTimeParser, CTextHighlighter, CHtmlPurifier

Sorry, it a bit lot, but in this ways sure its ok… :slight_smile:

and i already deleted the cach files

THX for answers

The requirements seem ok.

Could you paste a bit more info about the error you get? (Between the [code] tags preferably.)

Check the connectionString in config on the remote server.


That’s all, what I got :frowning:

I find the reason

if i comment out this:




in config.php everything works fine, but without cach maybe it will be slow…

Any idea, why must deny caching???

check the connectionID, maybe it points to wrong db config.

'cache' => array(

    'class' => 'CDbCache',




The alternative is using other caching mechanism.

As I can see,

Memcache extension Passed