Hi guys, i’m wondering if there’s a way to put a CJuiDatePicker widget inside a GridView column?
I’m triying to do that because need to pick and register a date if an user decide to do certain action.
Can’t manage it from Controller cause needs to be a picked date and not setting it in controller.
I’m been trying to set the column in CgridView this way
'value'=>'$this->widget("zii.widgets.jui.CJuiDatePicker", array(
"language" => "es",
"htmlOptions" => array("readonly" => "readonly", "class" => "input-xlarge", "id"=>"date"),
//additional javascript options for the date picker plugin
"options" => array(
"autoSize" => true,
// "defaultDate"=>$model->fechanacimiento,
"dateFormat" => "dd-mm-yy",
"buttonImage" => Yii::app()->baseUrl . "/images/calendar.png",
"buttonImageOnly" => true,
"buttonText" => "Pick date",
"selectOtherMonths" => true,
"showAnim" => "slide",
"showButtonPanel" => true,
"showOn" => "button",
"changeMonth" => "true",
"changeYear" => "true",
"yearRange" => "1900:+nn",
"maxDate"=> "+0D",
hoe you guys can help me, thx in advance