Database retrieval and pdf generation in Yii 1.1

Hi there

i need to know how i can retrieve data from my database

i need to retrieve some data from my database such as firstname lastname email etc for that i am passing primary key ‘id’ to controller from my view

  1. how to pass value to controller from view

  2. how to use this variable and retrieve data from database ( where will this code be , in model or in controller )

  3. how to render this data back to view.

  4. how to use this data and print in in pdf using customized layouts ( i will have multiple template files which will describe how the pdf page will look like. and user can select one of the template from view to get pdf )

I want to create something like a resume generator and want to make pdf from this appliction.

Ready the documentation first. <_<

Hi, I already read the documentation and its been 3 weeks im creating webpages in yii framework

so you can tell im pretty much familiar with yii.

I just need the names of the methods which are best to perform these actions

i dont need source code.

useful links and tutorials will be of great help and with all due respect i dont expect full source code to be given to me :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :lol:

here knock yourself out