Database Relations In Myisam (No Innodb)

Dear Yii-Team and Friends, many thanks for this great framework.

We use MySQL-MyIsam and there is no relation information in the database (in comparison to innodb).

That’is the Situation:



I can successfully create Model and CRUD for a single table but I don’t currently know, how to add the relation information manually into my model, (if applicable -->) so that I can update more than one table or get data for a column from another table, during creating forms.

Can you please help me, the relations between 1 to 4 would be quite sufficient, i can then manage the rest on my own.

Many thanks and kind regards from Vienna.

Thank you, I got it, but how can I re-create (update) CRUD-Forms, after I’ve integrated the relation-information into my model?

Look at

It is an extension to Gii and will make it so that your model extends a base model. This way your base model can be regenerated without affecting any custom code in the main model.

Ok, thank you, as I understand, this is the right order? (Please correct me, if I am wrong)


[*]Create db-tables

[*]Create model using gii

[*]Modify relations manually

[*]Let the crud create the necessary forms


The right (=correct) forms will be then created?

These changes has no effects, if I modify the Models and let create the crud-forms, there are no changes and die geburtstagsland_id (= birth land) has no Data from list_land table:

Model KindBasis.php (excerpt)

    class KindBasis extends CActiveRecord



	public function relations()


		return array(

			 'geburtsland_id'=>array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'liste_land', 'iso'),





Model ListeLand.php

    class ListeLand extends CActiveRecord



	public function relations()


		return array(

			'iso'=>array(self::HAS_MANY, 'kind_basis', 'geburtsland_id'),





Where is my mistake ?

thank you…