Database Exception SQLSTATE[07002]: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server]COUNT field incorrect or syntax error

I’m converting a MySQL app to run on Azure and having an issue converting a query. The query runs fine in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, yet the app is reporting an error? How do I troubleshoot such an issue?

This is basically what I am doing

$SQL = "SELECT, ISNULL(pd.Count, 0) ProjId_Count, (SELECT COUNT(projects_status_changes.ProjId) Count
			FROM (
				SELECT ProjectStatusChangeId, UserId, ProjId, Min(dtCreation) MindtCreation
				FROM projects_status_changes psc
				LEFT JOIN lst_projects_statuses lps ON psc.StatusId = lps.StatusId
				WHERE lps.Status = :proj_status AND psc.StatusId_Old IS NULL
				GROUP BY ProjectStatusChangeId, UserId, ProjId
			) Minpsc
			JOIN projects_status_changes ON projects_status_changes.ProjectStatusChangeId = Minpsc.ProjectStatusChangeId  
			WHERE Minpsc.MindtCreation BETWEEN :start_date AND :end_date) ProjId_TotalCount
		FROM [user] u
			SELECT projects_status_changes.UserId, COUNT(projects_status_changes.ProjId) Count
			FROM (
				SELECT ProjectStatusChangeId, UserId, ProjId, Min(dtCreation) MindtCreation
				FROM projects_status_changes psc
				LEFT JOIN lst_projects_statuses lps ON psc.StatusId = lps.StatusId
				WHERE lps.Status = :proj_status AND psc.StatusId_Old IS NULL
				GROUP BY ProjectStatusChangeId, UserId, ProjId
			) Minpsc
			JOIN projects_status_changes ON projects_status_changes.ProjectStatusChangeId = Minpsc.ProjectStatusChangeId  
			WHERE Minpsc.MindtCreation BETWEEN :start_date AND :end_date
			GROUP BY projects_status_changes.UserId
		) pd ON = pd.UserId";
$params = [
	':start_date' => $start, 
	':end_date' => $end,
	':proj_status' => $status,
$connection = Yii::$app->getDb();
$command = $connection->createCommand($SQL, $params);
$queryResultsArray = $command->queryAll();

and the error is

SQLSTATE[07002]: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server]COUNT field incorrect or syntax error
The SQL being executed was: My SQL Statement

Try change

SELECT COUNT(projects_status_changes.ProjId) Count




SELECT COUNT(Minpsc.ProjId) Count 

because you count from subrequest